Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Catch up!

Everything has been busy busy around here!Just normal life.....
Super nice weather let us play outside and oh....we did! And we loved it!
Playing in the mud with friends, walks downtown, parks....oh how I love summertime

Then the rain set in, the basement flooded (again!) and we got to splash around in puddles.

Tonight is the adult forms meeting for Mallie's nursery school. I can't believe this Autumn she will be in nursery full time!

Me, I'm trying to get on with my knitting. I am having an aching to get back into it. Every year around the beginning of Autumn I think, 'I need to knit x, y, z, super fast! I want new sweaters for the kids! I want some knit dresses for the girls! I need a new pair of longies made to go over a diaper!'....and then I get several projects started and only a couple finished. Then, around November I think, 'I am going to knit tons of Christmas pressies!'.....and then I don't. Or I start and can't finish by Christmas (I'm a slow knitter).

SO, this year, I'm going to start NOW. I'm going to start knitting all those lovely fall items I want to have done, and then I am going to work on Christmas pressies. This summer.

More to come later! I'm trying to get back into the groove of blogging...but it is slow going!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby Days

Julianne's baby days are almost over. At 2 1/2 years old, she is just there on the cusp of being a little kid....

She still sleeps in a crib, wants cuddles constantly (lets hope that doesn't change!) and isn't potty learned yet. I know this summer is going to bring about changes in at least two of those areas---she WILL learn to use the potty (haha!) and she will start sleeping in a big girl bed, in a big girl room, with Mallory. You see, things are changing around here. We are moving bedrooms around. We have pink princess paint and princess wallpaper for the 'Princess' room. It is going to happen. Another bittersweet moment passes....

But for now, she is in her crib. Soon it will be Liam in the crib, and then Trent and I will no longer have a baby sleeping with us full time (I say full time because they all end up in our bed at some point, whether it is first thing in the morning when they crawl in, or at night when we read stories together....or during a thunderstorm or bad dream).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"I don't have time for this, Mom"

Is what Mallie says to me now, when I want to play something she doesn't, when I want to wipe a whisp of hair from her eyes, or especially when I want to shoot her.

"I don't have time for this mom, I'm making you pancakes, because you are sick."

I'm not sick, but now I'm teary eyed because 1) my darling child is tender, sweet, and empathatic beyond her age, and 2) because she is such a KID. A real KID. Not a 'little kid' anymore. You know the true meaning of bittersweet once you have children and see them grow. You want nothing more than for them to grow and flourish....but it is also heartbreaking at the same time. Sigh.....

Monday, May 10, 2010

My sister had her first baby yesterday on Mothers Day. How amazing!

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